Mehring Books (UK)

Mehring Books (UK) is a specialist publisher serving readers in the UK and Europe. We are dedicated to producing high-quality editions of socialist books and pamphlets in the English language. Our titles cover a wide range of subjects, from history and philosophy to culture and contemporary politics.

Our publishing house contributes to the intellectual and cultural environment by providing a body of literature which helps one intelligently comprehend the complex economic, political, and social problems that confront mankind today.

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Mehring Books and the World Socialist Web Site announce the book launch of Vadim Rogovin’s Was There an Alternative? 1923-1927, Trotskyism: A Look Back Through the Years.

This webinar features an online discussion with David North, chair of the International Editorial Board of the WSWS, and close friend and comrade of Rogovin, to discuss the book and the remarkable life of its author.

On July 4, the World Socialist Web Site marked the 244th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence by hosting a discussion with five significant historians: Victoria Bynum, Clayborne Carson, Richard Carwardine, James Oakes and Gordon Wood.

The discussion, “The Place of the Two American Revolutions—Past, Present and Future,” moderated by Kings College Professor Tom Mackaman and WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North, made for a fascinating, thought-provoking experience.